What Does a Typical Life Coaching Session Look Like?

Life coaching is designed to provide you with the support and guidance you need to excel in any area of your life. It all starts with a conversation about what areas of your life you want to transform. During a typical life coaching session, your coach will use a variety of techniques to help you identify and overcome difficulties and set achievable goals. The Lead Up is an important part of the session structure.

This is a gentle warm-up that allows your client to relax and feel ready for the toughest conversations and questions that are likely to arise as you both go deeper into the coaching conversation. It also gives your coach time to establish a connection and relationship with you, and discover your mental state at the start of the session. The 5-D Framework is a conversational model that helps you develop a clear vision of what you would like to achieve, along with the specifics of how to achieve it. This model could span several sessions, as achieving big dreams or goals can easily take an entire session in one of these steps.

After each training session, you'll create a follow-up that summarizes what you and your coach have achieved and agreed to. You'll also complete a training plan before each session, which will ask about your achievements and challenges since your last appointment with your coach, and your goals for the next session. This plan helps keep you on track, keep the big picture in mind, and keep you motivated and moving toward your goals. If you're ready to learn more about becoming a life coach, check out Lumia Life Coach Training. Based on science, our International Federation of Coaches accredited program has authentic instructors, a strong curriculum and business instruction to prepare you for takeoff.

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